Leverage our cause as a cultural rallying point for your team. From auctions and celebrations to panels and speaker series, there are lots of ways to fundraise for SickKids.





Achievers Cares Presents Holiday Baking for SickKids!
Achievers' employees organized a virtual baking class over the holidays, as part of the SickKids Milk & Cookies campaign. Spanning across North America & the UK, Achievers' employees were encouraged to donate to SickKids, and were provided with a digital recipe card and live link to participate in the baking festivities.
Need some inspiration? Here’s how some of our fundraisers are supporting SickKids.
An Individual Fundraiser creates a direct donation page that allows you to solicit donations to help reach your fundraising goal.
A Group Fundraiser gives others the ability to create their own fundraising page alongside yours to help you reach your group goal! This option will create an overall group fundraising page for your company, along with an individual fundraising page for everyone who joins.
Funds raised go towards the areas of greatest need and greatest promise at the hospital. That includes advancing Precision Child Health in every area at SickKids, supporting groundbreaking research, and forging partnerships to improve care for more children, both here and around the world.
As much as we’d love to come to every event, we can’t guarantee a SickKids representative will always be there. But even when we can’t make it, we will still provide speaking notes and supportive materials.
While we can’t provide funding to run the event, we can help you find ways to offset event expenses and fundraise.
To understand logo use guidelines, please email a SickKids representative at corporate.partnerships@sickkidsfoundation.com.
To learn more, please email a SickKids representative at corporate.partnerships@sickkidsfoundation.com.
A receipt refers to any document issued by the Foundation to confirm that it received something from another party. A charitable receipt is for income tax purposes and allows donors to reduce their income tax. Gift confirmations are issued to donors to confirm a gift where a charitable receipt isn’t warranted.
Corporate donations are eligible for a gift confirmation receipt, which can be used to write off the contribution as a legitimate business expense (i.e. marketing) to reduce taxable profits at year end.
Employees making individual donations are eligible for a tax receipt, which they’ll receive automatically after donating online.
Please mail to the following address, and accompany funds with Your Name, Fundraiser/Event Name, Donor First Name & Last Name or Company Name, Donor E-mail & Address, & Donation Amount.
SickKids Foundation
Attn: SickKids Go Fundraise
525 University Avenue Suite 835
Toronto, ON M5G 2L3
For additional inquiries please email us at corporate.partnerships@sickkidsfoundation.com and a representative will get back to you.
When you donate, your name, donation amount, mailing address and email address will be visible/accessible to SickKids Foundation staff, the event organizer/team captain and page creator.
Precision Child Health (PCH) is the future of children's healthcare, and SickKids is leading the way. PCH is the end of healthcare based on the 'average' child; it's SickKids focussing precisely on everything that makes each individual patient who they are from their postal code to their genetic code to do three big things: diagnose faster, treat smarter, and predict better. Delivering care that's as unique as every child requires funding. You'll be giving brilliant doctors, nurses, and researchers the equipment they need; supporting data analytics that will lead to better prediction and prevention of disease; and assisting in the development of even more personalized surgical and treatment techniques to make every kid a healthy kid.